Children of the 90s should be happy, because Nintendo has launched the NES Classic Edition, a console game which is a redevelopment of the Nintendo Entertainment System version that was released in the 1980s. Fun, even the classic console games are rumored to carry 30 classic games that were very popular in the late 1980s until the 1990s.
1. Mario Bros (1983 Version)
2. Pac-Man
3. Ninja Gaiden
4. Punch-Out
5. Star Tropics
6. Super C
7. Super Mario Bros 1
8. Super Mario Bros 2
9. Super Mario Bros 3
10. Tecmo Bowl
11. The Legend of Zelda
12. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
13. Mega Man 2
14. Metroid
15. Balloon Fight
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30 Ultimate Games that are Present at the NES Classic. Which is your favorite?