Saturday, 22 September 2018

Let's watch the salaries of the people Working in the world of Gaming

video game designer salary

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Curious how the wages of men and women who participated in the gaming market? Kalo gitu GameCareerGuide's got the solution for you. They've issued a review of the results of the survey that's Game Developer Salary Survey in 2012 and also the amount proven to be somewhat intriguing.
At least for the men and women working in the USA or other areas of earth. In terms of Indonesia itself, I don't dare say exactly the same as we do not have the specific data.

Here's a short explanation on the standing in the gaming industry along with a monthly wages (below 3 decades of work experience).

1. Programmer

This is the part where you will be working on the coding of the game, here you are responsible for making sure the game runs properly in accordance with the concept that has been made. The average monthly salary: USD 3765

2. The artist and Animator

If you have the talent to draw, then this is the right position for, you will be responsible for creating visual images and animations for a game. The average monthly salary: USD 2820

3. Game Designer 

This is the brain of the games, because a Game Designers have a responsibility to make the concept of the game, making sure that the game remains challenging, make sure that the level of difficulty fitting, make sure no enemy too strong and many others. The average monthly salary: USD 2870

4. Game Producer

Game producer is the person responsible for arranging the graphic, gameplay, sound, video, and more into a unity called the game. The producer in charge of ensuring the overall game presentation exciting and run correctly. The average monthly salary: USD 3185

5. Professional Audio

Play the game as good as any wouldn't be complete without the presence of sound and music. This is where the professional audio role, they must successfully present a music and sound effects are accurate and in compliance with the overall theme of the game. The average monthly salary: USD 1850

6. QA Test

A lot of people think the bottom game tester or QA Test is a fun job. Play games and get paid what else could be more fun isn't it? Well, not 100 percent correct, a QA tester should play the game thoroughly and explore every aspect. They are tasked with searching for bugs and exploit so that game really solid when released to the market. If there is a bug after being released then QA tester is the one of the first to blame:D. The average monthly salary: USD 2110

7. Business and Legal

This position is least related to the game directly because they take care of the business aspects and permission from the game. This can vary from taking care of the employees, the management of the patent game up to marketing. The average monthly salary: USD 4090

video game designer salary

How? Got interested more for working in the world of gaming? Comment bellow!

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